Sunday, May 01, 2005

i have *so much* going on this week! holy crow! i've got a presentation for my advanced remote sensing class on wednesday (and two assignments to do and a portfolio of maps to create before then), chester is coming on wednesday (!!!!!), my stats final is due friday (ugh), and dana's flying in on saturday(!!!!!). *and* saturday morning is the masters/phd graduation, so i'm going to go to that and cheer and rah rah for lisa and connie and erik and mark and mike. then sunday is mother's day, and monday is dana's birthday (and the day he heads back to AZ :P ). *and* for the next two weeks, i'm working a few shifts squeezed in at the animal hospital b/c they're short staffed. did i mention that i'm on the verge of losing my mind? but it's all good, because come this weekend i'm going to have a snuggly wonderful kitty and an incredibly awesome hottie boyfriend here in my apartment.

life is good :)

1 comment:

alh said...

Rah Rah Rah...that's my cheering for all those special grads! cheer extra loud for me. We should be somewhere around Kansas City, but I'll be there in spirit!