Tuesday, May 31, 2005

greetings from sunny arizona! this is krista the sunburned lobster-girl, checking in to say hola and give a quick update...

spent the weekend in california with friends of dana's and their two CUTE little boys; hung out on the beach and had a really great time. we got back last night, and today i'm at work with dana trying not to get in the way. it's pretty hot here, but bearable since it's not humid at all (there's something to that whole "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" thing...). though it's barely been over 100 degrees since i got here, and i don't think lack of humidity can save 112 degrees from being anything but hellacious [this is clearly all in Fahrenheit, for all you non U.S.-ers out there ;)]. anyway...having a really great time and enjoying getting to spend some quality time with dana. i'll check back in and have pictures when i get home :)

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