Thursday, March 27, 2003

so...last night was not so great. i got out of work a little later than i had hoped (not such a big deal, but i really needed to get home and crank out my physics lab report/finish the physics homework that's due tomorrow/study for my physics exam). on the way home, just moments before i reached the highway (which makes me so happy, b/c it means i'm officially "almost home"), i got pulled over by a cop. 60 in a 50: my very first speeding ticket. my very first *ticket* ticket, if you don't count parking tickets. and at UConn, i don't, b/c the cranky little ticket men are vindictive and mean. but that' s a whole different story.
so, i finally get home and start working on my physics lab, which was due by midnight last night. physics lab is the only reason i may pass physics at all. i do reasonbly well on the labs, and i feel pretty confident in my ability to explain what i'm talking about when writing them. *not* the case last night. i spent 8 pm-12:15 am fussing and worrying over that thing, and even after e-mailing it to the TA 15 minutes late, i still wasn't very happy with it. it was shorter than i'd wanted it to be, and i just didn't feel like it was very well written. i fully expected to receive a not-so-impressive grade on it, but at that point, i was happy just to hand it in.
cut to 5 minutes ago, when i checked my email...turns out the TA was feeling ambitious and already graded my report and emailed me the result: 100%. don't ask me how that happened, b/c i have absolutely no idea.
i think i shall spend the rest of my day wandering around in a daze...

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