Wednesday, March 05, 2003

oh, i am dreaming about this car...not that there's anything wrong with mike's civic, b/c there isn't. it handles very nicely, it is a billion and a half times better on gas that anything i've ever driven (not counting that crappy cavalier rental i had last fall)...but i've only ever had jeeps, and i love them, and i miss them. and just the mere thought that i may soon be able to drive one again...sends my heart all a-twitter. driving with the top down, splashing through the mud...oh, i can't wait for summer...

lisa, abbie, and i went running in the rain today. we splished and splashed through all the puddles, got thoroughly drenched, and had a great time. we ran by a peace rally at the library, and i felt very...detached. i don't know how i feel about all of that, really. i feel like rallying for peace and refusing the possiblity of war is an incredibly idealistic notion, i guess. i certainly don't *want* to go to war, and i think that bush is a little too hell-bent on it...which makes me nervous. i don't feel at all comfortable going into a war without the support of the UN, and we haven't got that right now. i don't even know what the "official" reason would be right now, anyway. someone over at Digs (i think it was yam) mentioned that she felt like she should be able to vote in the next u.s. election (as a canadian), since our president just wants to be in charge of all of the countries, anyway. and while i think that she said that (at least partially) in jest, i think she has a point. not that canadians should vote in u.s. elections, but that bush is a very "my way or the highway" kind of guy. it just all seems more personal than political, i suppose. i'm not nearly as informed on the issue as i ought to be, though, so who knows...

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