Sunday, October 23, 2005

it's 7:15am on sunday, and i am all packed and ready to head out to my conference. eek. dana's mom is going to bring me to the train station, and i'll be in atlantic city by 5 this evening. then i get to sit in my hotel room and freak the hell out because tomorrow i give my presentation to a room full of wetland scientists. but i'm not hyperventilating. noooo. (hmmm...probably ought to pack my inhaler now that i'm thinking about it). four days of conference fun, then on thursday night i pick up my rental car and drive back from atlantic city, and friday morning i hop on a plane out of hartford to go see dana for a few days. i have a very interesting suitcase packed (clothes for both temperature extremes, and a halloween costume!).

oh, and dear atlantic city airport: maybe it would behoove you to have more than, oh, i don't know, two flights out of your lousy airport so that it didn't cost a bajillion and two dollars to fly anywhere from there, causing me to have to drive back to CT just to get on a plane. i'm just sayin'.

dana, i love you and i will see you in FIVE DAYS!! :) everyone else, i'll be back in a week...wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, good luck! You'll be great.