Friday, September 02, 2005

yeah, yeah, i know. i'm sorry. *hides head*

still working on my lit review, which seems so impossible and cumbersome and just ugh that i'm fairly certain that it is killing my brain. slowly. otherwise, classes seem like they're going to be interesting, which is always helpful in making the semester slightly less suck-like.

glorious long weekend coming up, which is even more glorious because it only really occurred to me at around 4:30 this afternoon that not only is it a long weekend, but that today was, in fact, friday. don't ask. it just seemed kinda mondayish. tomorrow i'm the fabulous pinch-hitting vet tech, after which i will come home and make buckets and loads of potato salad, and maybe some cookies. maybe a lot of cookies. who knows. which reminds me that i forgot to re-borrow april's ginormous le crueset, and it will take me roughly forever to boil five pounds of potatoes. but that's okay. i will perservere. then on sunday i'm going 4-wheeling with justin. whee! (check out his jeep pictures...we're going *real* 4-wheeling!). then crashing at april and mark's most likely, and back to justin's for a picnic on monday (after april and i go into the office for a while and work like diligent little grad students of course...and stop by col's to feed bootsy rodent slayer). hooray for long weekends!

and double hooray for dana being here on wednesday! only for a few days, and they're all pretty much booked solid (again), but that's okay. and he'll be here on my birthday, so that's even better. *and* i get to see him in a tux at the wedding we're going to, which is even more better (*fans self*). the wedding for which i purchased an $80 dress for $12.49. that's right. $12.49. too bad i hate shopping, b/c apparently i'm pretty good at it. and i was still out of the mall in under 45 minutes, so that's not too bad i'd say.

so, recap: classes good, weekend good, hottie boyfriend in a tux good, and i'm a mad bargain speed shopper. i think this ridiculously long post makes up for my recent shoddy posting habits. so there.

(as a post script...i had the intention of writing about the hurricane, but i just can't do it. it makes me cry, and nothing i have to say seems relevant or meaningful. this site and this site are two good places to go if you want to donate money to the victims. it seems like so little, but i just don't know what else to do. if any of you are looking for loved ones in the stricken areas, wiki has some good links and tips for finding people. my heart goes out to all of you...)


Anonymous said...

yay for your birthday. i will send something and it will be late! <3 you~!

Anonymous said...

I want BFG's :(
Just kidding... see you tomorrow darlin'.