Monday, December 19, 2005

catie tagged me on this a while back only i'm really slow and just noticed...

10 random things about myself...

1. i can not whip egg whites into stiff peaks. i just can't do it.
2. my hair is getting ridiculously long (as ridiculously long as catie's yet? ;) )
3. my toes (with the exception of my big toe) are all almost exactly the same length.
4. i have a freckle on my upper lip.
5. i'm scared to death that i won't be able to find a job in arizona.
6. i don't know how to ski, although people always assume that i'm a skiier.
7. there are six pillows on my bed right now.
8. i generally have very bizarre dreams.
9. i am in a state of awe that my house plants are still alive.
10. i have six different types of cheese in my refrigerator.

there. that was pretty random.

april, you're it!


alh said...

darn you! I have no one to tag. BTW: preview of my random. I CAN whip egg whites to a stiff peak. The trick is everything that touchs them has to be SUPERDUPER clean.

Anonymous said...

i read this and think ... "man i have allot of those same problems ..."