Thursday, July 15, 2004

err...yeah.  it's been about a month. 
school is busy busy, going well...tomorrow we install the piping for my wetland, to route all of the roof water down to it.  pretty exciting, since that means i'll actually have data and samples and all that jazz soon.  ish.  also exciting--i found out today that i'll be TA-ing a class in the spring, which gets me full-time funding for the academic year (i'm currently half-time).  more money is always good, and TA-ing ought to look nice on a resume i suppose.  the guy teaching the class is also a friend (a PhD student in my department), so that helps. 
in suckier news, all of my cd's were stolen out of the jeep last week.  stinky, but what can you do?  i'm not even sure where/when it happened, which is even more frustrating.  someone suggested that i make a list of all of the cd's that i can think of that were stolen, so i'm doing that and adding on as i think of more.  if you've got any of them and would like to lend them to me so i can burn copies (i mean, listen to them nostalgically without illegally manipulating them in any way, shape, or form),  i'd be much obliged. 
i 'spose that's all for now...

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