Saturday, January 27, 2007 which krista does some housekeeping. or blogkeeping. whatever.

i've edited my links over on the left hand side (no more dead ones!), taken out the "currently reading/recently read" on the right hand side (just don't have the time to read as voraciously as i once did...), and am absolutely flummoxed as to where my archives have gone to. not a clue.

in other news, i'm thinking about putting up some sort of web-based "store front" to sell some of my crafts...more on that as it develops...

[edited 1/28 to add that thanks to a helpful tip from jane, the archives are back. big, cumbersome, and dating back to 2002, but back. lucky you.]


j said...

I had the same problem of missing archived entries when the new Blogger went into effect. I host my own site through Blogger, so the process may be different, but I had to add a bit to the Archiving page (when in your Blogger dashboard, go to Settings, then Archiving). One field (either path or URL) was blank, so I filled it in (using the one that was there as a guide -- for example, my archive path is www/janesays/old, and my URL is, republished, and the archives showed up. I've noticed that the archive links for many people are dead since the switch, but I wasn't able to find a specific question or answer about that in the Blogger help area. Anyway, I tried this, and it worked for me. Good luck!

krista said...

thanks! i'll give that a go!

j said...

Yay! I am glad it worked. (and that you were able to understand that meandering comment!) And yes, I do remember the Digs times. I think you must have fell off my blogroll in some update mistake, so I am glad to have found you again!

[] said...

let's open a little shop someday with all of our creative goodness.