Saturday, January 27, 2007 which krista pimps out a craft site with its very own magazine to which she would very much like to subscribe:

this is from the makers of make magazine, if you're familiar. brilliant stuff. which krista does some housekeeping. or blogkeeping. whatever.

i've edited my links over on the left hand side (no more dead ones!), taken out the "currently reading/recently read" on the right hand side (just don't have the time to read as voraciously as i once did...), and am absolutely flummoxed as to where my archives have gone to. not a clue.

in other news, i'm thinking about putting up some sort of web-based "store front" to sell some of my crafts...more on that as it develops...

[edited 1/28 to add that thanks to a helpful tip from jane, the archives are back. big, cumbersome, and dating back to 2002, but back. lucky you.]

Friday, January 26, 2007

some randomness...

*i am in love with this response (found by the lovely ms. jinxie) to this series of asinine articles claiming that the ingestion of soy is perilous and induces homosexuality.

*dana and i have been running together, and i love it. he's very motivating to run with.

*i am sorry, new england, that it is negative 150 degrees there today.

*this woman drives me batsh!t crazy. seriously.

*i want really, really good soup. who wants to make me soup?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

i am baking today. scratch that, i am attempting to bake today. i'm making sourdough bread (from scratch! i even made the starter for the dough, which is a long, drawn out, slightly smelly, bacteria-involving process), but my dough is not rising. pf. i did the damage control mom phone call (which, may i say, i pretty much never have to do when baking--cooking, occasionally, but baking? not so much), and have amended the situation by dampening the towel laying over the bowl with warm water, and turning on the oven (which the dough is in a bowl on top of) so that the heat emanates upward. now i am waiting patiently to see if that does anything. i have also instructed the dog and cat to be very very quiet, and have turned down the volume on the tv very very low, because i specifically remember my mother telling us when we were little that if we made a lot of noise, the dough wouldn't rise. it may have just been a (very effective) way to shut us up, but i'm not taking any chances. i shall report back later with results.

ETA: i am the goddess of sourdough bread. holy yum, batman.

Friday, January 12, 2007


behold, the crackberry. i broke my cell phone in half last week, and was told by ver!zon that the cheapest phone i could get to replace it would run me $150 since my contract isn't up yet. but the guy that does the cell phones for dana's work was able to hook me up with a crackberry for much, much cheaper--it's used, but barely, and it's all wiped clean and looks brandy spankin' new. i've been spending my morning re-entering phone numbers into it, and basically trying to figure out how it works.

dana left at 3:30 this morning to go on a fishing trip in NM, so i am on my own until monday (which is our 2 year anniversary, btw...). my general plan is cleaning today, girl-time tomorrow, and brunch with some friends on sunday. other than that, i'm just enjoying the first day of my 4 day weekend, and my new go go gadget technology. whoot!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

yay hooray! we've finally got dependable internet at home! this means i can check my email on a regular basis, which i am very excited about, and that i can update my blog more than once a month. yipee skippee! i'm also pretty psyched because i am (hopefully) getting a new cell phone today. i broke mine (as in, dropped-it-on-the-floor-and-watched-in-horror-as-it-broke-in-half kind of broke) last week, and have been phoneless. dana managed to get a deal through the guy who does the phones for his work so that i can get a phone for $50 versus paying $150 through veriz0n (my contract isn't up until april, so they'd make me pay retail).

also: the new pasttime du jour at the parmelee-osterberg household is guitar hero II. feel free to come over and get your butts whupped*. that's right, i'm talking smack. uh huh. so go on and bring your feeble guitar attempts, because we're punk rock over here**. that's how we roll.

*by dana. i pretty much suck at guitar hero, but dana will whup your butt.
**if by punk rock, you mean pretending to play guitar on a little piece of plastic. in which case, we are very punk rock.

well chickadees, that's all for now. happy 2007! :)