Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i've been tagged by sonia! here are the rules:

"Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog."

i feel like the only people that read this blog are already going to know all of the random things that i can think up, so excuse me if you've heard this one before...

1. i love corny jokes. like, really bad, probably-people-are-just-laughing-when-i-tell-them-to-humor-me corny jokes.

2. i cannot watch movies and tv shows that put people in uncomfortable situations and are supposed to be "funny". i get all anxious and squirmy on behalf of the character, and end up vaguely irritated. examples: seinfeld, meet the parents, and i'm sure borat, which is why i haven't seen it yet.

3. an oldie but goodie: i can sing the quadratic equation to the tune of 'pop goes the weasel.' i think that this should be taught in all algebra classes.

4. i am ridiculously hard on myself. this makes me, i think, a not very fun person to teach things to, because i get frustrated with myself when i don't pick things up right away. one might think that recognizing that fact would be a good first step to rectifying the problem, but one would be wrong.

5. i was a full-on tomboy until roughly the age of 21, when i got a wild hair across my ass and decided to start baking and cooking. after that came random craftiness, which then led to sewing, crocheting, beading, and knitting--listed in order of mastery level ;).

6. despite my love of crafting, i have an aversion to patterns and instructions. that is not to say that i refuse to use them, but if i think that i can figure it out on my own, i'm going that route first.

7. i can drive long distances without getting lost (like, all the way across the country, for example), but i will probably get you lost if i try to give you directions across town.

i don't think i know 7 people with blogs who haven't done this yet, but i tag

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