Wednesday, June 06, 2007

so i've actually been crafting quite a bit lately...i've got this idea in my head that if i can come up with a good range of different things to make, and sit down and make at least one of each thing and take pictures, that maybe i could get some kind of on-the-side "hey, buy my stuff!" thing going. this isn't a new idea, but one integral part of it is dropping a decent chunk of change on materials so that i've got something to work with. i've been so budget crazed lately, what with my student loan payments starting up and trying to develop some savings and still going on fun weekend trips...and i'm thrilled that in the next month or so, we're going to be hitting a nice financial groove (which will allow me to finally drop aforementioned decent chunk of change).

anywho, probably later this summer i might start up a new blog (or revamp the old website, which i'm feeling has been rendered fairly obsolete between this blog and flickr) soley for displaying crafty goodness. in the meantime, save your shiny pennies so you can buy yourself something pretty ;).

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i've been tagged by sonia! here are the rules:

"Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog."

i feel like the only people that read this blog are already going to know all of the random things that i can think up, so excuse me if you've heard this one before...

1. i love corny jokes. like, really bad, probably-people-are-just-laughing-when-i-tell-them-to-humor-me corny jokes.

2. i cannot watch movies and tv shows that put people in uncomfortable situations and are supposed to be "funny". i get all anxious and squirmy on behalf of the character, and end up vaguely irritated. examples: seinfeld, meet the parents, and i'm sure borat, which is why i haven't seen it yet.

3. an oldie but goodie: i can sing the quadratic equation to the tune of 'pop goes the weasel.' i think that this should be taught in all algebra classes.

4. i am ridiculously hard on myself. this makes me, i think, a not very fun person to teach things to, because i get frustrated with myself when i don't pick things up right away. one might think that recognizing that fact would be a good first step to rectifying the problem, but one would be wrong.

5. i was a full-on tomboy until roughly the age of 21, when i got a wild hair across my ass and decided to start baking and cooking. after that came random craftiness, which then led to sewing, crocheting, beading, and knitting--listed in order of mastery level ;).

6. despite my love of crafting, i have an aversion to patterns and instructions. that is not to say that i refuse to use them, but if i think that i can figure it out on my own, i'm going that route first.

7. i can drive long distances without getting lost (like, all the way across the country, for example), but i will probably get you lost if i try to give you directions across town.

i don't think i know 7 people with blogs who haven't done this yet, but i tag