Tuesday, February 20, 2007

holy puppy breath, batman.

today is day six of Operation Puppysit. we have the entire litter of golden retriever puppies introduced in the previous post (12 puppies!), plus their mommy (gidget!), and for a few days, their daddy (bear). plus lukin, of course. for those counting along at home, that's 15 dogs. 15. dogs. yup. they are friggin' adorable and it's been a lot of fun having them here, but i must admit that i am looking forward to the restoration of order when they go home tomorrow. but damn are they cute. lukin has been phenomenally good with them--herding them around the yard, checking on them while they sleep, investigating when they make funny noises--i think he'll be very, very sad when they go. chester, however, will do a little kitty dance of joy. gidget and bear kind of want to eat chester, so he's been hiding in our bedroom. he will be very, very happy when they go. then we've got just enough time to wash the sheets on the guest bed before dana's dad gets here on thursday afternoon. hopefully. (kidding--we'll wash the sheets! jeez!). which will be cool, because i haven't met dana's dad yet.

in other news, there isn't much other news. isn't 15 dogs enough for you people?

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