Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i'm here i'm here i'm here!

the trip out was a lot of fun--thank you again, erika, for coming with me :). the driving days were long (11 to 12 hours each) and omaha was not kind to us, but all in all it was a good time, and i got to hang out with some very cool ladies (and cute kiddies!) in chicago, too! we pulled in to tempe around 8 pm on tuesday evening, and erika flew back to ct on friday.

dana and i are still staying in his current house right now, but we should be able to move in to the new house later this week. we went yesterday and walked around the park that it's near, which has a decent sized lake and picnic tables and lots of grassy areas. definitely a city-type park, but it's very cute and looks like a nice place to walk the dog in the evenings (probably while dana's fishing :) ). lukin is acclimating just fine, and really likes to eat the pecans that drop out in the yard. there's no pecan tree at the new house, but maybe i can smuggle some nuts over and hide them in the yard for him :).

today i'm trying to catch up on emails and get all of my financial stuff in order. hopefully i can get my trailer o' stuff dropped off this afternoon. i have some pictures from the trip, but i don't know where the cable for my camera is, so it'll be a few more days until i can post any of them. for now, i just wanted to say hello to everyone, and let you know that i arrived safely (though if you read the comments from the previous post, you already knew that--how cute is my boyfriend?). i'll be in touch with everyone soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did all your stuff arrive safely (ie, not broken?)

I'd call but you might still be sleeping. Dont know your new schedule.