Thursday, March 24, 2005

Monday, March 21, 2005

busy, fun sister got married on saturday! the weather was sunny, the service was beautiful, and everything went off without a hitch. even i, a confirmed non-dancer, danced the night away and had a blast. good times.

don't have much time to update right now, and i'm afraid the rest of the week will be more of the same. i'm swamped with school work and need to be a bit of a hermit for a little while. i'll try to be reasonable about updates though, i promise...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

yay for grown-up underoos! these, in particular...("can't you just see her in that outfit? WHOO!"). ahahahaha!

i crack myself up sometimes. it's a good thing, really.

i have found jesus. he drives a hatch back. i didn't follow him, though...he got off a different exit.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

oh, and in case anyone was curious...the monkey name went for $650K. i hope they don't name it something lame...

that's just not nice. not nice at all. :P

Monday, March 07, 2005

man, the downside of anticipation is that once you finally get to the thing you've been anticipating, it inevitably flies by and then *poof*'s gone. i have been seriously bumming all day. :P

on the up side, i had a *fantastic* weekend, could not have been better, aside from bringing dana back to the airport at which point i cried like a big ol' goober. i've never missed someone so much. and rob's band tied for runners up in the battle of the bands (they was robbed!). the band that came in first played well, but their singer bit. rob's band was better. hush up, i'm not biased. okay, i am. but they were.

on an unrelated note, i have decided to create a drink for jim called "the irritated irishman." any suggestions?

Friday, March 04, 2005


it's friday, it's friday! *does happy friday dance*

picking up dana at the airport at 7 tonight, then headed to see rob's band compete in a "battle of the bands." rock on. yay for boyfriends flying all the way across the country, even if it's not even for 48 hours! ;)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

this itty bitty cheeseburger made me think of april and her love of all things miniature... :)
update: current going price for the monkey name is 65K!
i stumbled across this the other incredibly, incredibly bizarre. apparently, you can "buy stock" in my blog...and even stranger, somebody actually has. i'm flabbergasted. i've never heard of such a thing. this, combined with me actually checking my counter statistics yesterday, has led me to conclude that at least a handful of people are actually reading my blog. and some of them actually ended up here somehow other than me actually giving them the link, because i'm pretty sure that i don't know anyone in germany or italy (guten tag! buon giorno!). not to downplay the aussie and canadian hits, but i'm pretty sure i know how you guys got here ;).

in any event, if i've been boring the crap out of y'all, i apologize. i'll try to be more interesting ;).