Monday, April 26, 2004

i tuned my guitar tonight.

i haven't touched my guitar in ages. i haven't played it in longer; really, in years. not that i was ever really any good. but i always wanted to be. i'd still love to be. there's something about being able to play an instrument, to sit down and create music, that i always wanted to be able to grasp. i used to play around with it a lot; pick out melodies and strum occasional chords, but i was never what anyone would call good. i don't really know what inspired me this evening...but it was satisfying to still be able to at least tune the darned thing, to hum out the octave switch between the E's and alternately tighten and loosen the strings between until everything blended nicely. it's good to know i haven't gone completely tone deaf since i've stopped singing. really singing, i mean. i sing plenty in my car. but it's not the same. i'm afraid my muscial ability is going to atrophy and waste away on me ;)

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