Tuesday, February 03, 2004

hooray for feeling useful! i spent my entire morning in the water lab running nitrate and ammonia tests on various water samples. it was nice to feel useful, since my project isn't really up and running yet. the testing isn't something i can do on my own yet; there are about a bazillion steps, so i'm sort of relegated to "helper" status for the first several runs. but eventually i'll be on the rotation to do them on my own. that's several months from now, but still. neat. who would have thought that i'd actually enjoy working, for all intents and purposes, in a chem lab? it all changes once you relate it to something interesting, though. it'll be nice when i actually have some sample of my own to run. hopefully in the next few weeks we'll be able to get something started with the wetland. at any rate, i'll keep you posted :)

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