Monday, July 07, 2003

i am such a slacker lately. i haven't posted anything here in weeks, and my homepage hasn't been updated since the end of may. i don't even have a really good excuse...just doing other things. anyway, as far as what's new and honestly, rather sucky:

*i finished calculus. unfortunately, i did not pass calculus, so despite the fact that i already participated in the spring graduation ceremony, i will be going back to school in the fall to take calculus yet again. on a somewhate brighter note, this may mean that i will also be able to take the dendrology class that i never got a chance to take. but i'm really having a hard time seeing a bright side to the fact that after 10 semesters and the completion of 2 bachelor's degrees worth of requirements, i failed my very. last. required. class.

*as of yesterday morning, oscar has shuffled off this mortal coil. for those of you who do not know, oscar was the eastern painted turtle who i had gotten as an itty bitty hatchling a little over three years ago (he was exactly the size of a quarter, i swear to god!). he had been having some eating issues, not really wanting to eat anything that i offered him, but he seemed to have resolved them and had been eating like a champ for the last 2 weeks. saturday night, he was alive and puttering around in his aquarium. sunday morning, he was not. i don't know what happened. :( very very sad.

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