Tuesday, October 08, 2002

i came home from work today and had the sweetest surprise from mike...he'd had my watch fixed (*how* do people not wear watches? i almost blew a fuse!), bought me a stitch (from lilo and stitch) doll (which was wearing the watch), pre-ordered the lilo and stich dvd, *and* got me this set of prints from the movie. so cute. he's great.

lisa and i taught a whole slew of fifth graders about animal tracks this morning...one of the area middle schools had a field trip at the nature center, so we got to run that part of the show, which was pretty cool. i was surprised how much i enjoyed it, considering the large amount of children involved.

going to go see dad in the hospital tomorrow...he sounded great when i talked to him on the phone tonight (yay!)

off to do some remote sensing homework and study for my environmental modeling exam...

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