Monday, February 23, 2009

bikes on etsy collage
Top row (L to R): Isphotography, Shop Shop Designs, Cheer up Cherup.
2nd row (L to R): Creative nuts , Home Studio, Berkley illustration!.
3rd row (L to R): Woodworking & recycled bike parts by Julien Jaborska, Bicycle paintings, Arcane Arts.
4th row (L to R): Velocipede, WD Design & Photography, bitter sugar, Rar Rar Press.

with spring weather in full force here in arizona (okay, it’s pretty much “spring weather” here as far as everyone else is concerned all winter long), i’m wanting to ride my bike everywhere. i think lots of people might be feeling the same way, judging by the bike imagery/inspiration i’ve been seeing all over etsy. art, clothing, accessories, stationery…from retro illustrations to gear-head inspired pieces, bikes are everywhere.

bike accessories
original photos from

i'm loving this cupholder from may not be ideal for all terrains, but for cruising around the (relatively flat) streets of tempe, it would be a handy, hands-free way to bring along my venti americano. and for those of you who tote around your lives with you on your bikes, how adorable is this double bike bag, which mounts over your back tire?

L ro R: sunlite wooden basket, carrie bicycle basket, topeak quick-release basket

for people like me who can usually fit your necessities in your front basket, how about one of these? the topeak basket, which has a quick-release function, would be great to tote along to the grocery store for smaller shopping trips. and i love the carrie bicycle basket (available at with it's bright green pop of color (it might make my orange bike looke a little bit pumpkin-esque, though...).

Friday, February 20, 2009

the pear project: artisan goods for every day life

pear project items
Originally uploaded by kristaleigh
so if any of you are in the same boat as me, and i suspect that many of you are these days, you've got your mind on your money and your money on you mind (snicker). it's tempting at times like these to hit up the big box stores in search of low prices, especially when you're looking to purchase "extras". and while i am a big fan (and frequent shopper) of tar-jay, there's a lot to be said for putting in a little more leg work and maybe an extra few dollars to upgrade to an item that is unique, creative, and hand made.

etsy is pretty well known as a source for items like this, but there are other options, too. the pear project, run by north carolina artist (and looooong time friend of mine) brooke fuller, is a fantastic place to find household good, jewelry, handbags, and one of a kind art. and unlike larger sites like etsy, the pear project is able to carefully regulate the quality of each and every item sold through the site, so you can rest assured that your purchase will be well made (more well made, more than likely, than it's big box brethren).

so next time you're on the hunt for the perfect purse, necklace, piece of art, or even some new salt and pepper shakers, check out the artists over at the pear project for something a cut above that mass-produced "bargain" at tarjay. you get a great product, and you support an independent artist and a small business owner, all with one purchase--everybody wins! and who doesn't love that?
probably a better idea in theory than in practice...

Originally uploaded by kristaleigh
these road rage sticks from urban outfitters are cracking me up. i especially like the "are you drunk?" sign. however, i imagine whipping one of these out after someone cuts you off might only fuel the already fired-up tempers that flare during rush hour. they sure are tempting, though...i can think of a few people i know who'd make good use of them!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

how to work better

how to work better
Originally uploaded by kristaleigh
i'm really striving to live by this lately. unfortunately, i can't recall how or where i stumbled across it, but i have it printed out and hanging on the wall in my office. #1 is especially relevant for me. i have a tendency to take on about 20 tasks at a time, and while some people are truly efficient multi-taskers, i have come to realize over the years that i am not one of those people. i work best, fastest, and most efficiently when i can sort the things i need to do into a list and tackle them one at a time. hence the legal pad next to my computer that serves as my "to do" lsit. i refresh it every monday, tearing off the top sheet and only transfering over to the next sheet the things that didn't get finished the previous week.

also relevant is someone who tends to wear her emotions like a flag on her face, i sometimes need to remind myself to smile when i'm feeling overwhelmed at work.

what do you do to stay focused, motivated, and efficient?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who says you can only send Valentines on 2/14?

mustache valentine
Originally uploaded by kristaleigh
So it's past Valentines Day, but I couldn't resist posting this free e-Valentine from Perfect for the mustachioed man in your life on Valentines Day, or any day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

clearly something's got to give...between facebook, twitter, and myspace, there are so many other places to check and update that this blog has fallen through the cracks. i'd like to fix that. so i'm going to be making some changes...i can't promise anything in terms of timelines since i'm focusing most of my energy on the wedding lately, but i'm a-workin' on it...