just so this is out of the way, i am fully aware that i am the worst blogger ever and should not be allowed to have a blog, because i have lapsed into quarterly updates at best, which is fairly pointless.
anyhow, it's monday night and today was my last day of work for the next two weeks, which is frickin' fabulous. tomorrow is our arizona christmas (which means sipping hot chocolate while walking around zoo lights, takeout from p.f. chang's, and opening most of our presents from one another (oh, and i got some good ones for dana...:D). wednesday i fly out to connecticut, and don't come back until new year's eve. so on the off chance that anyone actually still reads this blog (which, you know, thanks), i'll be in the middlebury area and the uconn/storrs area intermittently over the next two weeks. let's go to the bidwell!
i am so excited for christmas...there's actually going to be snow in connecticut this year, i'm hoping to see lots and lots of my friends (i miss you guys so much!), and also some babies that i have not yet had the pleasure of squeezing and smooching on (hailey! mila! a bigger tristan who will not remember me!). i was lucky to see a lot of my family this year, considering they're 2600 miles away, and christmas with them is always the best (ain't no christmas like an osterberg christmas!). it's sort of been christmas for a couple of weeks now (basically, i'm sold once the tree goes up), but this past week has really gotten me in the spirit. i baked lots of cookies on saturday and made glug, and then we had a little christmas get-together saturday evening in which all (ALL) of the glug (THREE BATCHES) was consumed, causing many hangovers on sunday. but you loved it, all of you. you know you did. and now tomorrow, i will pack my suitcase, and celebrate my little arizona christmas with the love of my life, and then i will get on a plane and see family and friends and SNOW and not work for two weeks, and really, what's better than that? nothing.
happy holidays everyone, and a wonderful new year! and merry christmas to you, jeff--you will be missed.