oh...uh, hi there.
so. you may have noticed that it's been three months since i've posted. and that my other website is gone. or, you may not have...but there it is. i let my old domain expire because 1) i hadn't updated anything on the page in a year, 2) between blogger and flickr, i just didn't really need it anymore, and c) if i do decide to start up a web page again, it will probably be because i want to sell crafty things from it, which you're not supposed to do from a .org anyway. as for not posting here in three months, i have no excuse. i suck.
in the three months since we last saw our fearless heroine, she has changed jobs (still working for the grant program, but now instead of being a project manager, i'm the program coordinator! and my cube is bigger!), cut her hair (not too short, but much shorter than it's been), decided to do a half-marathon in january, partied in vegas, and hung out by the pool. the dogs have gotten bigger (well, at least redd has), dana and i have started to look into home-buying, i got a kick-ass new phone...and life is good.
i'm hoping to get back in the swing of posting here and updating more...there are some exciting things coming up in the next few months (rafting down the grand canyon! brooke's wedding! philadelphia! erika and rich visiting for thanksgiving! and more!), so i'll have lots of stories to tell. and hopefully there's still someone skulking around here to tell them to...