this week is screwy. it's wednesday, but it feels like...i don't know. not wednesday. my internal clock is completely off kilter. ah well. it's been a good week so far...on monday i managed to get a few extra points on my physics exam from my professor, and i had lunch w/ mike's uncle elan and cousin adam, who were up from puerto rico checking out colleges for adam. today i think i kicked some butt on my lab animal exam, and now i have to go write a physics lab report...which is okay, since it will be my *last physics lab report ever*. hooray :D
and, i caught up with an old friend of mine from high school that i hadn't talked to since graduation...oh, 5 years ago? pretty exciting. mike and i were supposed to go tomorrow to sign the paperwork for my car, but that's getting pushed off until next week. that's okay--~2 months, and it's jeep time once again!
plug: if you need a photographer for anything, call my friend
brooke. any of you who know me know that i am *not* a photogenic person, but she managed to get some shots of
me that (gasp!) even have my eyes open. check out the turtle and snake shot on her web page--those are my babies (oscar and athena)!